~Improving Our School~

School Improvements  

There are definitely some small improvements that could make a big difference! One improvement I think we could do is letting kids go outside more often. Kids are not able to grow without any Exercise each week. Not all kids are able to go outside at home depending on how much homework they have or how many places they have to go. Also some kids such as me love to go outside a enjoy some valuable time that you don’t get doing work. Lastly, it gives kids more time to bond and get to know each other. I moved from a different county and only knew one person at my current school now. I was able to get to know some people but I still could meet some new people if we went outside more often! It’s important to get knowledge on school topics but even more important in my opinion to get more exercise.

“5 More Minutes” 

Kids these days just don’t get enough Sleep! I would want to start school at a later time. I usually have to get up around 5:30 in the morning. I sometimes don’t feel good because the night before I had basketball until 9:30 and got into bed around 10:00! Sometimes I even have to stay up to do homework. Also older kids should get more time to sleep because they are growing more than smaller kids. Sleep is a big factor to growing and becoming more healthy. Smaller kids might only have one page of homework but middle schoolers and high schoolers have homework for all subjects sometimes. But all kids need to get good sleep but older kids could get some extra sleep time!

References: Photo 1: Kids Playing

Photo 2: More Sleep!!

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